Speaker requests via 1st Row (click here)

Tina Sauerlaender’s Academia.edu profile

Interview with Tina Sauerlaender at Forbes.com on VR Art (2020)

Interview with Tina Sauerlaender on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of peer to space (Artefuse, 2020)

Text on A Short History of Self-Representation in Digital Art (DAHJ Journal, 2020)

Catalog of The Unframed World Exhibition

Catalog of the Resonant Realities Exhibition


On the Edge of the Horizon, virtual group exhibition with blueshift gallery, on common.garden & objkt.com,  Opening March 26, 2025, 6 pm CET



BODY | IMAGES. Transformations between Physical and Virtual Worlds, Works by Banz & Bowinkel and Jonas Blume, curated by peer to space as part of the exhibition ‘Kunst Digital oder Digitale Kunst’, StadtHausGalerie Sonthofen, 22.11.2024 - 12.01.2025

UNLEASHED UTOPIAS. Artistic Speculations about Today and Tomorrow in the Metaverse, Exhibition of the VR ART PRIZE by DKB and CAA Berlin, with Marlene Bart, Anan Fries, Mohsen Hazrati, Rebecca Merlic, Lauren Moffatt, Sept. 9 - Nov. 5, 2023, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin

SKIN DEEP, Solo exhibition of Jonas Blume, at SCOPE BLN, April 29 to May 27, 2022

Resonanz der Realitäten - Resonant Realities, Exhibition of the VR ART PRIZE by DKB in Cooperation with CAA Berlin, with Banz & Bowinkel, Evelyn Bencicova, Armin Keplinger, Lauren Moffatt and Patricia Detmering, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin, April 16 - July 4, 2021

COLLIDING HUMANS. Social Interaction on the Internet, curated by peer to space, in collaboration with medienkunstverein.com, at Raum für Drastische Maßnahmen, Berlin, September 27 - October 6, 2019

Radiosands, sound installation by Thom Kubli, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin, August 23 - September 1, 2019

SPECULATIVE SPECIES. VR Art in the Age of the Anthropocene, curated with Erandy Vergara and Peggy Schoenegge, at ESPRONCEDA - Center for Art & Culture, supported by the Goethe Institut Barcelona, June 20- July 1, 2019

So Far, Still So Close, VR exhibition with the artists Yu Hong and Nikita Shalenny, curated with George Vitale, organized by Khora Contemporary & Radiance VR & Synthesis Gallery, Kopernikusstr 14, Berlin, April 26-28, 2019

Touching From A Distance 2. Transmediations in the Digital Age, Goethe Institut Toronto, March 22 to May 23, 2019

SPECULATIVE CULTURES - A Virtual Reality Art Exhibition, curated with Peggy Schoenegge and Erandy Vergara, The New School / Parsons, New York, February 7 to April 14, 2019

ENVISIONING THE FUTURE – VIRTUAL REALITY ART EXHIBITION, curated w. Erandy Vergara, Halcyon Arts Lab, Washington DC, Oct 23 - 28, 2018

TOUCHING FROM A DISTANCE. Transmediations in the Digital Age, curated with Manja Ebert and Peggy Schoenegge, for medienkunstverein.com, in cooperation with Literaturhaus Berlin, September 20-October 14, 2018

PENDORAN VINCI. Art and Artificial Intelligence Today, curated with Peggy Schoenegge, NRW Forum, Düsseldorf, June 8-Aug 19, 2018

Deep Water Cultures, Goethe-Institut, Montréal, November 23, 2017 to February 24, 2018

RESET III and Virtual Reality group exhibition, at PRISKA PASQUER, Cologne, Germany, September 8 until October 28, 2017

Uncanny Conditions - A Virtual Reality Exhibition, curated with Peggy Schoenegge whiteBOX, for FNY Festival, Munich, Sep. 1 - 10, 2017

The Unframed World. Virtual Reality as Artistic Medium for the 21st Century, Catalog, House of Electronic Arts Basel, Jan 18 - Mar 5, 2017

LAYERED LANDSCAPESGalerie Philine Cremer, Düsseldorf, Germany, Opening & Artist Talk, Sept 2, show until October 21, 2016


WHEN THE CAT’S AWAY, ABSTRACTION, group exhibition, Anna Jill Lüpertz Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 4-6/2016

SHARE YOUR TEETH (WITH THE ONES YOU LOVE), solo show Aviv Benn,  Art von Frei, Berlin, 3-4/2016

Between Her Own Viewpoint and Authentic Reality. The Photographic Oeuvre of Hildegard Ochse, Kommunale Galerie, Berlin, 11/2015-2/2016

PORN TO PIZZA—Domestic Clichés, group exhibition, at DAM Gallery, Berlin, 9-10/2015

SALOON, group exhibition, Sexauer Gallery, Berlin, 4-5/2015

DARK SIDES OF..., group exhibition, TS art projects, Berlin, 2-4/2015

Across the Lines – Jennifer Oellerich and Prajakta Potnis, insitu, Berlin, 10-11/2014

DIVIDED AND REUNIFIED, group exhibition, works from Haupt Collection, Images, Budapest, 10/2014

Money Works Part 2, group exhibition, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin, 8-10/2014

Haupt Collection, group show at Verband Dt. Bürgschaftsbanken, Berlin, 3-12/2014

VISUAL NOISE – Diana Artus and Ornella Fieres, Lage Egal, Berlin, 2-3/2014

MONEY WORKS | KUNST MIT GELD, group show, curated with Nicole Loeser, White Concepts, Berlin, 11/2013

Entering Space,  group exhibition, Kunsthalle M1 Mengerzeile, Berlin, 10/2013

Haupt Collection, group show, Verband Dt. Bürgschaftsbanken, Berlin, 9-11 2013

Non-Stop Infinity, curated with Maja Block and Mike Ruiz, Munich / Berlin, 9-10/2011

Identity Reset? Photo reportage from the Balkans to Afghanistan, curated with Maja Block, Munich, 9-10/2010




On the Edge of the Horizon, virtual group exhibition with blueshift gallery, on common.garden & objkt.com,  Opening March 26, 2025, 6 pm CET


PERFORMING IDENTITIES, online group exhibition as a part of my PhD project at Kunstuni Linz, Interface Cultures, 2022 (Link to the show)

MERMAIDS & UNICORNS, curated with Carlotta Meyer and Benoit Palop, peer to space online exhibition, 2017 (Link to the show)


Echoes from the Future. Speculative Creatures & Post-Human Botanicals; Artists: Aviv Benn, Laura Colmenares Guerra, Reiner Maria Matysik, Sarah Oh-Mock, Bianca Shonee Arroyo-Kreimes, Sabrina Ratté, Tamiko Thiel; Virtual exhibition, MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Canada, 2023

Phoenix From The Ashes, virtual solo exhibition of Mohsen Hazrati, PRISKA PASQUER VIRTUAL GALLERY, 2022

RISE OF GIANTS, virtual solo show of Banz & Bowinkel, ONE TO ONE, PRISKA PASQUER VIRTUAL GALLERY, 2021

Light Shines Through The Curtains Of Time, Solo show of Ornella Fieres, ONE TO ONE by PRISKA PASQUER, 2021

Augmented Species. Invasive Sculptures in Hybrid Ecologies, developed by MoMAR, curated with Ursula Stroebele, 2021

Bunch of Kunst in Quarantine // Paradox Paradise, curated with Mara-Johanna Kölmel, at Kara Agora - Online Art & Research Center, 2020

My Body, My Choice?, Pars Pro Toto online screening, curated with Gloria Aino Grzywatz

Some Universe. Internet Spaces in a Postdigital World, curated with Erandy Vergara, SIGHT + SOUND Festival, Eastern Bloc, Montrea, 2021

The Personal is Political, 1st iteration of PARS PRO TOTO, peer to space’s online screening series, 2020

August and Everything After, with Faith Holland, Bianca Kennedy, Tamiko Thiel, Activatar App, August, 2018

OUR CITIES SURROUNDEDpeer to space online exhibition, 2016

CAT HEROICUS SUBLIMISpeer to space online exhibition, 2016

NARGIFSUS, peer to space online exhibition, 2016

PODCASTS (in German)

Virtuell Virtuos > Podcast der DKB über VR KUNST (2021-2023), Co-Host, > hier anhören

Spatial Realities > Tina Sauerländer über UNLEASHED UTOPIAS (2023), Guest, > hier anhören

Lecker Kunst > Die Zukunft der Kunst im Metaverse (2023), Guest, > hier anhören

Lecker Kunst > Frauen, Kunst und die nackte Wahrheit (2023), Guest > hier anhören

Wie tickt die Kunstszene?  > Virtuelle Ausstellungen (2023), Guest, > hier anhören

Tech und Trara > Digitale Kunst (2020), Guest, > hier anhören


Interview “About the Rise of Art in Virtual Spaces, Headsets, Radiance, and No Limits”, Curated!, EN, 2022

Interview “Gespiegelte Wahrnehmungen”, Gallerytalk.net, DE, 2021

Interview on VR ART and how it expands traditional media, Berlin Art Link, EN, 2021

Interview on VR Art and the market, Forbes.com, EN, November 2020

Interview über Kunst im digitalen Raum, Re:Future Lab, DE, November 2020

Interview about digital and virtual reality art & culture, Techkapismus Podcast, DE, August 8, 2020

Interview about digital and virtual reality art and its history, #reingezoomt, Bronnbacher Stipendium, DE, July 15, 2020

Interview about digital culture and art, Tech und Trara, Podcast, DE, July 13, 2020

Interview on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of peer to space, Artefuse, EN, May 19, 2020

How to use virtual reality artistic tool, RadArtMedia, EN, July 5, 2020

Interview about VR ART, Taking Advantage Of Both Worlds, DE/EN, VRHAM! Festival, May 15, 2020

Interview about VR ART, Radio Arty, FluxFM Radio, DE, May 14, 2020

Interview about Virtual Reality: Was bringt die Zukunft der Kunst, DE, Deutschlandradio Kultur, Fazit, Mediathek, January 3, 2020

Interview about Die Zukunft der Kunst, DetektorFM x Monopol Podcast “Kunst und Leben”, DE, Monopol article, November 11, 2019

Interview about the SALOON network, Politik und Kultur (Read here, p. 7, German only), Zeitung des dt. Kulturrates, DE, 2019

Interview about digital curating, with Peggy Schoenegge, DDDD, EN, 2019

Interview about the future of the digital and Virtual Reality, Creative City Berlin, DE / EN, 2019

Interview about Success in Arts, AnabelRoRo Blog, EN, 2019

Interview about the digital realm and my curatorial practice, on the occasion of Speculative Cultures, Observer, EN, 2019

Conversation with Peggy Schoenegge and Tina Sauerlaender on VR, Blog Goethe-Institut, DE/EN, 2018

Conversation about New Technologies in Art, peer to space and Radiance, Goethe Institut Warschau, PL/DE, 2018

Conversation with Tina Sauerländer and Peggy Schoenegge, Mixed Realties exhibition catalog, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Germany, 2018

Interview for Digifest, NOW Toronto, EN, 2018

Video interview with Philip Hausmeier on Radiance, VRFocus, EN, 2018

Podcast interview with Philip Hausmeier on VR & Art, EnterVR, EN, 2018

Interview on VR and Art, SRF Kultur, Swiss Radio, Interview (from Min 24.30 on) , Link to Text, DE, 2018

Interview on Radiance, together with Philip Hausmeier, SLEEK magazine, EN, 2017

Interview for Screen City Biennial, Stavanger (NOR), about my curatorial approach, EN, 2017

Article on Virtual Reality in Art, der freitag magazine, DE, 2017

Interview on Virtual Reality in Art, Art World Magazine, CHN, 2017

Interview on Virtual Reality in art, Deutschlandfunk Radio, DE, 2017

Interview on Virtual Reality in art, k.west Magazin (p. 21), DE, 2017

Interview on The Unframed World, Detektor.fm, DE, 2017

Interview on Carla Gannis's The Selfie Drawings, The Meural, New York, EN, 2016

Interview with Daniel Durning, Clocktower Radio, New York, EN, 2016

Interview with Lindsay Howard about NARGIFSUS, NewHive, EN, 2016

Interview with Carla Gannis, The New Narrative Portrayal of Women, EN, 2016

Interview on: PECHA KUCHA ART NIGHT, with Eve Reiners, artfridge, EN, 2015

Interview über PORN TO PIZZA - Domestic Clichés, DE, 2015

Interview über Solidarität, Missy Radio, (beginnt 23:42)  DE, 2015

Interview on ART&FEMINISM, Berlin Art Link, EN, 2015

Interview on Caroline Kryzecki, ExBerliner, EN, 2014

Interview on Money Works Part 2,  Radio Arty, FluxFM, DE, 2014

Interview on Visual Noise, ExBerliner, EN, 2014

Interview on Entering Space, Berlin Art-parasites, EN, 2013



Virtuelle Welten in der Kunst, Fachbereich Gestaltung / Kommunikationsdesign, Hochschule Trier, Oct. 30, 2024

Künstliche Intelligenz und Virtual Reality in der Digitalen Kunst 2017-2023, HBK Braunschweig, May 2, 2024

Virtual Reality in Art in Universities and Schools, RIT - Realities in Transition, Chroniques, April 9, 2024

VR Art : History & Today, The CX Class lecture series, Filmuniversität Babelsberg, November 7, 2023

VIRTUELLE WELTEN IN DER KUNST, Landeskunstgymnasium Rheinland-Pfalz, Alzey, November 2, 2023

Virtual Reality in Art & Art Schools, “Illusion of Form – On shaping the Art Schools” Conference, University of Arts in Poznan, 23.10.2023

World Building in Virtual Reality. Home of the Brain (1991/2) by Monika Fleischmann & Wolfgang Strauß and Aporia (2020/21) by Patricia Detmering in Dialogue, Jahrestagung “Virtual Worlds”, Universität Bochum, June 2023

Digital Art in Public Spaces. From Projection-Mapping to AR Apps, University of the Arts / Taideyliopist, Helsinki, Finland, April 2023

Virtual Worlds - Curating and Creating Digital Art. Harvard University, 29.3.2022

Digital Futures. European Cultural Centre, Venice, 7.7.2022

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow in the Metaverse. Digital Studies Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 17.2.2022

Digitale Kunst Kuratieren, Wavelab, Art & Tech Talks, November 18, 2021

Virtual Worlds - Curating and Creating Digital Art, Bard College, Berlin, November 4, 2021

Virtual Worlds - The future of SocialVR and WebVR in art and society, 55 Min of Reinvention series by 1000Vordenker, June 16, 2021

Reflecting Life On The Internet. Webcam Artists 1997 - 2017, MDPI book launch of Self-Representation in an Expanded Field, May 14, 2021

Women in Tech & Culture, German Embassy Beijing, March 31, 2021

Artistic Self-Representation in Digital Art, Otlet Salon, Belgium, March 25, 2021

VR & Visual Arts, Linoleum Festival, Kyiv, Ukraine, (online) September 3, 2020

Challenges of Presenting and Preserving VR Art Online (Talk in English, Intro in German), Kultur Back-Up Conference, HS, Mainz, Oct 30, 2019

VR in Visual Arts, Institut Intermedii, Technical University, organized by Na Shledanou Gallery, invited by Czech Center Berlin, Prague, Oct 3, 2019

VR and Art, Roehrs & Boetsch, Zurich, March 7, 2019

VR and Art, NEW INC, New York, February 6, 2019

VR and Art, at Department for Art History, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, January 22, 2019

Illusion, Immersion und Virtual Reality-Kunst, Kunsthalle, Munich, Germany, November 13, 2018

VR and Art, Open Source Festival Conference, Dusseldorf, Germany, July 13, 2018

VR and Art, at I4c  – The Magic in Virtual Reality, Conference for VR and AR, by Bavarian Film Centre, at Munich Residenz, June 28-29, 2018

Digital Exhibitions & Exhibiting the DigitalKlasse Digitale Grafik from the Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg, at K,. Berlin, June 19, 2018

Curating VR, Talk with Peggy Schoenegge, University of Technology, seminar of Dr. S. Stallschus, Berlin, June 12, 2018

Curating VR and Radiance, with Philip Hausmeier, interactive art class, BAU University, Berlin, May 15, 2018

History of VR Art & Curating VR, Department for Interface Cultures, University of Art and Design, Linz, May 2, 2018

History of VR Art & Curating VR, Department for Transmedia Art, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, May 2, 2018

Artistic Self-Staging in the Digital Age, Video-Talk Oberbank Forum / Interface Cultures, Kunstuni, Linz, Austria, April 24, 2018

Curating Virtual Reality in Physical Spaces, Digifest, Toronto, April 26-28, 2018

Curating Virtual Reality in Physical Spaces, smARTplaces | INNOVATION in Culture, Talk online (english), ZKM Karlsruhe, March 1/2, 2018

VR in Visual Arts, VR MeetUp, Berlin, February 21, 2018

About the SALOON Network, Pecha Kucha Art Night - Netzwerke / Networks, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin, January 31, 2018

About RadianceVR, Oxcytocin - Startups Mate Art, New Space New Soma, Monumenten Str. 24 in 10965 Berlin, 7pm, Nov., 11, 2017

Digital Exhibitions & Exhibiting the Digital, PICTURE BERLIN at KuLe, Berlin, August 10, 2017

Feel Screenless: Why Artists Use Virtual Reality, re:publica, Berlin, May 9, 2017 (Talk online)

Kate Durbin - Hello Selfie! documentationsPICTURE BERLIN at Speisekino ZK/U, Berlin, August 12, 2016

VISUALIZING TIME. What art tells us about time and the change of its perception, London, EN, June 19, 2015

Exhibition rip, cut – grow, Introduction to the exhibition, L’oiseau présente, DE, Berlin, 9/2014

Geld–Wert–Kunst (money,  value, art), conference Die Zukunft des Geldes (the future of money), DE, Zurich, 5/2014

A matter of opinion. Ways of expression in contemporary photography, McKinsey & Company, DE, Munich, 5/2008

Otto Steinert. Founder of Subjective Photography, McKinsey & Company, DE, Munich, 9/2007

Introducing the exhibition: Andreas Gursky, Sharjah Contemporary and Arab Art Museum, Sharjah (U.A.E.), EN, 11/2007



Metaversum - Utopie, Dystopie oder Realität?, Podiumsdiskussion mit Angie Gifford, Europa-Chefin von Meta, Prof. Dr. Mario Botsch, Professor für Computer Science an der TU Dortmund, Michael Harr, Stiftung Pro Senectute, Moderation: Shelly Kupferberg, Villa Hügel, Krupp-Stiftung, 22. Mai, 2024

The Future Of Digital Art: Art Institutions Discuss the Influence of New Technologies, with Marlies Wirth (MAK Vienna), DIGITAL ART LAB, Haus am Lützowplatz, September 17, 2023

Partizipation im Metaverse, Begehungen e.V., Chemnitz, June 9, 2023

DIGITAL FUTURES, European Cultural Centre Italy, with Christiane Paul, Francesca Albrezzi, et al, organized by Rah Eleh, July 7, 2022, (Link)

YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND TOMORROW IN THE METAVERSE, University of Michigan Digital Studies Institute, event by Marisa Olson, 02/17, 2022

Co-Creation with Artificial Intelligence, Digital Lab #2, Kulturstiftung des Bundes, June 15, 2021

Immersive Technologies and Interactive Arts, VRHAM! Festival Hamburg, June 11, 2021

Future Potential of Virtual Reality, Making Lemonade, Goethe Institut Korea, French Embassy, Art Center Nabi, (from min. 13:36), April 15, 2021

Reimagining art in Virtual Realms, AAMC Foundation Webinar, (online - watch video here), October 20, 2020

Art and Digital Transformation, organized by ZeeArts and Mauritius International Art Fair, EN, June 18, 2020

Digital and Virtual Art Exhibitions IRL and the Virtual World - Talks by Michael Connor (Artistic Director, rhizome.org), Christiane Paul (Adjunct Curator of Digital Art | Director/Chief Curator Whitney Museum | Sheila C. Johnson Design Center, The New School), Alfredo Salazar-Caro (Co-founder DiMoDA), Tina Sauerlaender (Co-founder peer to space and Radiance VR) - Panel Discussion moderated by
Julie Walsh
 (Founder Walsh Projects), Laval Virtual Conference, April 23, 2020

Digital Wine S1 E4 on VR Art, together with Ágnes-Karolina Bakk (VR Curator, Budapest, Hungary), Daryna Fes (VR Artist, Kyiv, Ukraine), moderated by Nikita Hudyakov (VR Cultural Manager, Kharkiv, Ukraine), online, April 17, 2020

SI Salon - Der lange Weg zur Chancengleichheit –Zur Situation von Künstlerinnen heute, Podiumsdiskussion mit Cornelia Renz, Sandra Becker und Tina Sauerlaender,  Soroptimist International, Berlin, November 12, 2019

Post Digital Culture, Panel with Peer Langermann and Tina Sauerlaender, moderated by Franziska Storch, SALOON Hamburg, at the exhibition re-transfer, bmAtelier, Hamburg, October 24, 2019

Exhibiting VR, panel talk with Gabrielle Roque Ulrich Schrauth and Julie Walsh, moderated by Tina Sauerlaender, VRHAM, Hamburg, June 9, 2019

SELFIE CULTURE Symposium, Speaker and Organizer of the event, Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria, Nov 23, 2018

Art in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Panel Discussion, Goethe-Institut Warschau, October 12, 2018

VR and Art, Panel Discussion, 4c  – The Magic in Virtual Reality Conference, by Bavarian Film Centre, at Munich Residenz, June 28-29, 2018

Digital Intimacy, Panel Discussion, with Anika Meier, dgtl fmnsm Festival, Dresden, March 16-18, 2018

Art & Tech - How digital technology is changing the art world, Panel Discussion, ArtTours, at SohoHouse, Berlin, January 30, 2018

Virtual Reality in Art, Panel Discussion with Anne Schwanz and Manuel Rossner, by ALC-Art Lovers Club, at Eigen + Art Lab, Berlin, June 22, 2017

Critical Approaches to Virtual Reality, Panel Discussion, Millieux Institute, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada, 5-7pm, May 24, 2017

Virtual Reality in Art, Panel Discussion, Eigen & Art Lab, Berlin, Images, April 12, 2017

Frauen in der Kunst, Talk with Anja Groeschel, Art Lovers  Club, Hearthouse, Munich, March 22, 2017

Pleasure Principle, Panel Discussions about artist curators, Finnish Institute, Berlin, October 13, 2016

Netzwerke, Panel Discussion, Goldrausch, Kunstquartier Bethanien, DE, 22.10.2015

ARTIST TALKS (moderated)


Artist Talk with Evelyn Bencicova, on the occasion of Artificial Tears at Düsseldorf Photo+ Biennale for Visual and Sonic Media, June 15, 2024

Artist Talk with Lauren Moffatt, on the occasion of UNLEASHED UTOPIAS, exhibition of the VR ART PRIZE by DKB & CAA Berlin, 2023

Artist Talk with Mohsen Hazrati, on the occasion of UNLEASHED UTOPIAS, exhibition of the VR ART PRIZE by DKB & CAA Berlin, 2023

Artist Talk with Rebecca Merlic, on the occasion of UNLEASHED UTOPIAS, exhibition of the VR ART PRIZE by DKB & CAA Berlin, 2023

Artist Talk with Marlene Bart, on the occasion of UNLEASHED UTOPIAS, exhibition of the VR ART PRIZE by DKB & CAA Berlin, 2023

Artist Talk with Anan Fries, on the occasion of UNLEASHED UTOPIAS, exhibition of the VR ART PRIZE by DKB & CAA Berlin, 2023

Artist Talk with Sabrina Ratté, on the occasion of ECHOES FROM THE FUTURE, MacKenzie Art Gallery, 2023

Artist Talk with Sarah Oh-Mock, on the occasion of ECHOES FROM THE FUTURE, MacKenzie Art Gallery, 2023

Artist Talk with Tamiko Thiel, on the occasion of ECHOES FROM THE FUTURE, MacKenzie Art Gallery, 2023

Artist Talk with Reiner Maria Matysik, on the occasion of ECHOES FROM THE FUTURE, MacKenzie Art Gallery, 2023

Artist Talk with Laura Colmenares Guerra, on the occasion of ECHOES FROM THE FUTURE, MacKenzie Art Gallery, 2023

Artist Talk with Aviv Benn, on the occasion of ECHOES FROM THE FUTURE, MacKenzie Art Gallery, 2023

Artist Talk with Bianca Shonee Arroyo Kreimes, on the occasion of ECHOES FROM THE FUTURE, MacKenzie Art Gallery, 2023

Artist Talk with Banz & Bowinkel, exhibition Resonant Realities, exhibition of the VR ART PRIZE by DKB & CAA Berlin, 2021

Artist Talk with Evelyn Bencicova, exhibition Resonant Realities, exhibition of the VR ART PRIZE by DKB & CAA Berlin, 2021

Artist Talk with Lauren Moffatt, exhibition Resonant Realities, exhibition of the VR ART PRIZE by DKB & CAA Berlin, 2021

Artist Talk with Patricia Detmering and Armin Keplinger, exhibition Resonant Realities, exhibition of the VR ART PRIZE by DKB & CAA Berlin, 2021

Artist Roundtable, Bunch of Kunst in Quarantine // Paradox Paradise, by SALOON Berlin, SALOON London and Kara Agora, Nov. 30, 2020

Artist Talk and Guided Tour through “Liminal Latidudes” space, Kara Agora, Watch video here, October 19, 2020

Artist Talk with Martina Menegon on the occasion of Walkthroughs by Synthesis Gallery, online, April 20, 2020

Artist Talk: TOUCHING FROM A DISTANCE II, Artists: Jonas Blume, The Swan Collective, Tina Wilke, Goethe-Institut Toronto, April 22, 2019

Artist Talk with Kate Durbin about her latest film Unfriend me now!, OMO artspace, August 20, 2018

Artist Talk: VR here to talk! with the artists Tamiko Thiel, Fuzun Uzun and Nikita Shalenny, VRHAM! Festival, Hamburg, June 9, 2018

Artist Talk with Ulrike Rosenbach, Moderation, Priska Pasquer, Cologne, Germany, April 27, 2017

Artist Talk with Mark Dorf, Michelle Jezierski, Daecheon Lee, at: Layered Landscapes, Philine Cremer Gallery, Düsseldorf, September 2, 2016

Artist Talk with Aviv Benn, Moderation, Art von Frei Gallery, Berlin, EN, Apr 10, 2016

Artist Talk with Carla Gannis, TRANSFER Gallery, Brooklyn, New York, EN, 5.3.2016

Artist Talk with Corry Siw Mirski, Akademie für Malerei, Berlin, DE, Sept. 12, 2015

Artist Talk: PORN TO PIZZA—Domestic ClichésImages, Sept. 6, 2015

Artist Talk with Jonny Star, Let's talk about sex, love and gender, Berlin, DE, 6/14/2015

Artist Talk with Michael Maria Müller (Artificial Image), DE, Berlin, 2/2014

Artist Talk, exhibition: Entering Space, DE, Berlin, 10/2013


Resonant Realities. On the Critical Potential of VR Art, in: Resonant Realities, exhibition cat. of the VR ART PRIZE, 2021, (Download the book here)

Reflecting on Life on the Internet: Artistic Webcam Performances from 1997 to 2017, in: Self-Representation in an Expanded Field, Ace Lehner (Ed), MDPI, 2021 (Download the book here)

Art & Tech Columnist at netzpiloten.de (in German only)

A Short History of Self-Representation in Digital Art, DAHJ Journal, 2020

On a Pioneer of Self-Portraiture in Computer Art: Joan Truckenbrod, ZI Spotlight, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich, 2020

Reframing in Times of the Internet. The works of Veronika Dräxler, oeuvre catalog Veronika Dräxler, 2019

The Value of Virtual Art, with Peggy Schoenegge, at: Virtual Reality Edition Digital Culture 6, Migros Kulturprozent, DE/EN, May 2019 

From Pompeii To Nausea - History of Virtual Reality in Visual Arts, at: 50 Years of Realism - From Photo-Realism to Virtual Reality, Exh. Cat., Centro Cultural Banco de Brasil, EN, 2018

A Conversation with Tina Sauerlaender & Peggy Schoenegge, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart: Mixed Realities, Exh. Cat., DE/EN, 2018

Possibilities of World Existences, works of Alicja Kwade, catalog text, YUZ Museum, Shanghai, EN/CHN, 2018

Blogging about Berlin exhibitions, ArteFuse.com, New York, EN 2015 - 2017

Blogging about Contemporary Art and new books releases, ART21XX, www.buch-findr.de, DE, 2017

Virtual Reality's Unframed World, catalog text, HeK Basel, DE/EN, 2017

Im Auge des Betrachters, die Arbeiten von Ornella Fieres, ART VALUE, DE, 2017

Wanda Stang, Allegorien des Menschseins, catalog text, DE, 2017

Aviv Benn, In The Land of No Emotions, exhibition catalog text, EN/Hebrew, 2017

In Labyrinthine Gardens -The Work of Gregor Hildebrandt, Almine Rech Gallery, Paris, EN/FR, 2017 

Ditte Ejlerskov, The Bajan Letters, catalog text, EN, 2016

Gregor Hildebrandt, Bilder malen wie Cure, Galerie Perrotin, Seoul, EN/KOR, 2016

Annabelle Craven-Jones, Conditions for neurotransmission [P.O.V.], Cruise&Callas, Berlin, 2016

Gregor Hildebrandt, Die Anwesenheit des Abwesenden, Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Ausg. 113/2, DE, 2016

Tanja Selzer, Assoziative Brüche der Wirklichkeit, DE, 2016

I HEARD YOUR VOICE THROUGH A PHOTOGRAPH, exhibition text  Séance - Kathrin Günter and Tanja Selzer, janinebeangallery, Berlin, DE, 2016

Jenseits der Maske - Die Arbeiten von Corry Siw Mirski, DE,  2016

Ornella Fieres, catalog text, SEXAUER gallery, DE/EN, 2015

Jonny Star, WACHEN SEIN TOD, DE/EN, 2015

Rolf-Gunter Dienst, Verlebendigung und Differenzierung von Farbe, catalog, DIEHL Galerie, Berlin, DE/EN/IT, 2015

On Hildegard Ochse, in: Museumsjournal, DE, 4/2015

On Hildegard Ochse, in: brennpunkt, S. 19,  DE, 4/2015

Diana Artus, History Repeating, EN/KOR, 2015

Joanna Buchowska, Brave New Parallel World, DE/EN, 2015

Taryn Simon, Archive des Unsichtbaren, Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Ausg. 109/7, DE, 2015

Katharina Arndt, The Exposed Self. On 16 Tattoos, in: DNCHT Magazine for Photography, Design and Subculture, #17, DE/EN, 2015

Kunst und Recht im Zeitalter des Internets, in: Vierzig Jahre Bundesverband Deutscher Galerien und Kunsthändler, DE, 2015

Daniel Kannenberg, Kulturelles Unbehagen/Cultural Discontents, DE/EN, 2015

Interview with Jonny Star, SLEEK Magazine, EN, 2015

Daecheon Lee, World on Canvas, catalog, DE/EN, 2015

Haupt Collection, Digital Art, DE/EN, 2015

Ralf Kopp, Realitätsprinzip (Principle of Minimal Departure), DE, 2015

Caroline Kryzecki, Chaos around superposition, catalog, DE/EN (summary), 2014

Highlights der Paris Photo, text contribution to PHOTO International Magazine, S.17-19, DE, Autumn/Winter 2014

Kim Asendorf, Init(Internet);, and Flavien Théry, White / Light, DE/EN, 2014

Alicja Kwade, Die Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit, Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Ausg. 107/19, DE, 2014

Ce Jian, Frontiers, catalog, DE/EN, 2014

Maryna Baranovska, Die fabelhafte Welt, DE/EN, 2014

Aram Bartholl, Hurt me plenty, DE/EN, 2014

Philipp Valenta, Glaube und Wert (Value and Faith), catalog, DE/EN, 2014

Anselm Reyle – Pop Abstraktion, Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Ausg. 106/12, DE, 2014

Carsten Nicolai, Das Potenzial des Prozesshaften, Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Ausg. 104/ 25, DE, 2013

Sammlung Haupt / Haupt collection, collection catalog, DE/EN, 2013

Julia Herfurth, On Visualizing Global Risks, DE/EN, 2013

Jennifer Oellerich, catalog and website text, DE/EN, 2012

Identity reset? Photo reportage from the Balkans to Afghanistan, DE, 2010

Andreas Gursky, exhibition booklet, Haus der Kunst, Munich, DE/EN, 2007



PECHA KUCHA ART NIGHT 5 - Postdigital, co-organized with Performing Encounters, Volksbühne, Berlin, May 23, 2019

Traversing The Earth Without Moving - Talk by media artist Mohsen Hazrati, organized by RadianceVR, at oMo artspace, Berlin, March 28, 2019

Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?* Part II, Collaboration SALOON Berlin and Performing Encounters, ACUD, September 27, 2018

Presentation of artistic VR experiences by Li Alin and Erin Gee & Alex M. Lee, Digifest, Toronto, April 26-28, 2018

Pecha Kucha Art Night 4: Networks, co-organized with Performing Encounters, at Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin, January 31, 2018

Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?*, short presentations by 8 SALOON members, event by SALOON Berlin and Performing Encounters, ACUD MACHT NEU, Berlin, November 17, 2017

Screen City Biennial, Stavanger, Norway, Online section, presentation of Christa Joo Hyun D'Angelo's work Past Present Tense, October 12-31, 2017

YAMI-ICHI, presenting Berlin based artists, HeK Basel, Images, April 22, 2017  

3rd PECHA KUCHA ART NIGHT: Art in the Age of Earthquakes, in cooperation with Performing EncountersMartin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, Nov. 6, 2016

Ways of Something by Lorna Mills, Screening and Artist Talk, HeK (House of Electronic Arts Basel), Switzerland, October 4, 2016

2nd PECHA KUCHA ART NIGHT in Berlin, organized with Performing Encounters, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin, Images, July 12, 2016

BEYOND, artists selected by Tina Sauerländer,  I AMsterdam YOU BErlin, St. Johannes Evangelist Church, Auguststr. 90, Berlin, April 28-May 1, 2016

NARGIFSUS, Screening of Selfie-GIFs by 60 artists, curated with Carla Gannis, TRANSFER Gallery, Brooklyn, New York, March 19, 2016

1st PECHA KUCHA ART NIGHT in Berlin, organized with Performing Encounters, IMAGES, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin, Oct. 15, 2015 

DREI / 3 / III, Live-Performance by Mirko Hecktor, Daniel Kluge et al., in cooperation with peer to space, Edith-Russ-Haus, Oldenburg, June 20, 2015

RALF KOPP – presentation of „Gier frisst: FREIHEIT“ / exhibition of his series “Realitätsprinzip” booth Haupt Collection at POSITIONS, Berlin, 9/2014

INVERT: GEWISSHEIT. VISION, Autocenter Berlin, project management in cooperation with Peter Lang and kunstundhelden, Berlin, 2013

GEWISSHEIT. VISION, exhibition at “Franckesche Stiftungen zu Halle”, public relations in cooperation with kunstundhelden, Halle a.d. Saale, 2013

Non-Stop Infinity, organisation of the student workshops Part I & Part II, accompanying the exhibition Non-Stop Infinity, Munich, 2/2012

DREI / 3 / III, performance by Mirko Hecktor, Daniel Kluge, Alexander Giesche, et al., presented by peer to space, Munich, 10/2010

schhplttlr | electric beats, performance by Daniel Kluge, Ken Frederick and Eugen Kern-Emden, presented by peer to space, Munich, 07-09/2010

Multiplex, curated by VVORK, presented by peer to space, Munich, 04/2010


PhD, The University of Art and Design, Interface Cultures, Linz, Austria, 2017-2022, PhD thesis titled: PERFORMING IDENTITIES. Self-Representation in Art from the Renaissance to Virtual Worlds, Online exhibition: performingidentities.net

Master of Arts, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany / Subjects: Art history, business economics, Bavarian ecclesiastical history, 2000-2006, MA Thesis on: Thomas Struth: Museum Photographs. The Documentary Style 



Hans Weisser Stipendium, 2022/23

Dissertationsstipendium für die Abschlussphase, University of Applied Arts, Linz, Austria, 2022

Research Grant, Berlin Senate, Autumn 2017

Goethe-Institut Montréal, Canada, May 2017

Finnland-Institut Deutschland, March 2017



Vienna Art Week, 2023


NEWVIEW Awards, 2021

VRHAM Festival, Hamburg, Germany, 2018

Kunstpreis Roter Teppich Deutschland (Red Carpet Art Award), 2017

VBKI-Preis Berliner Galerien, LVBG, Berlin, 2017

Prize for Digital Sculpture 2016, Institute of Digital Art, HfK+G, Ulm, 2017

Photocontest, exhibition Courage, Fotostudio Chérie, Berlin, 2014



SALOON Network, since 2012

SALOON Paris, since 2022

IKT - International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art, since 2021

Medienkunstverein (Media Arts Society, Berlin), since 2017

Hacnum, since 2023

C-E-A, since 2025

Advisory Panel, DAM Museum, since 2021

bdfj  - Bundesvereinigung der Fachjournalisten (German Association for specialized journalists), since 2015

SALOON BERLIN, Founder and Board Member, 2012 - 2022