Curated by Peggy Schoenegge
With works by Banz & Bowinkel, Entangled Others (Sofia Crespo and Feileacan McCormick), Mohsen Hazrati, Armin Keplinger, Nadine Kolodziey, Lauren Moffatt, Chiara Passa, Sabrina Ratté, Dagmar Schürrer
Opening & Launch: Oct 28, 2021, 7 pm (CET)
Link: hubs.mozilla.com/owtpwaD/im-material-matter
(Im)Material Matter is dedicated to digital sculptures, their material and matter. The works highlight the potential of sculptural artworks in the virtual realm. Beyond the restrictions of physicality, sculptures take on new shapes and forms. The sculptural works float in the exhibition space. They do not need a bottom or plinth to stand on. This positioning makes them perceptible and accessible from every conceivable viewpoint, even from below and above. Their size can be freely determined. The 3D shapes of the sculptures are not static, but dynamic. Some consist of several parts moving freely in space. How the works are installed in the virtual art space would not be possible in the physical and creates a new approach to sculptures. As a result, they shift the parameters of the traditional definition of sculpture by deconstructing its solid matter. The constitution of the space, the textures of the void as well as the shape of the sculptures simulate materiality. Their surfaces are reminiscent of physical material like metal, plastic, or clay. They hyper realistically allude to tangible materials. In the exhibition, the sculptures become permeable. Visitors can pass through and enter the inner sphere of the artwork. The dissolution of physical boundaries once again reveals the distinctive conditions of the virtual. The works oscillate between the material and immaterial, defining a matter of virtual materiality.
With kind support by Stiftung Kunstfonds | NEUSTART KULTUR